Course curriculum

    1. Introduction

    2. Download & Install Python 3 (Windows)

    3. Download & Install Python 3 on macOS

    4. Download & Install Python 3 on Ubuntu Linux

    5. Using the Python Shell

    6. Setting Up Python (SUMMARY)

    7. Code Editors

    8. Quiz ❓: Setting Up Python

    1. Introduction

    2. Writing our first Python Program

    3. Let’s make some mistakes

    4. Creating a Variable

    5. Adding Comments

    6. CHALLENGE: Interact with IDLE (Python Shell)

    7. How to Find Help

    8. Writing your first Python program (SUMMARY)

    9. Exercise1: Create a Variable

    10. QUIZ❓ : Your First Python Program

    1. Introduction

    2. What is a String?

    3. EXERCISE: What Is a String

    4. SOLUTION: What Is a String

    5. Manipulate Strings with Methods

    6. EXERCISE: Change the Case

    7. SOLUTION: Change the Case

    8. EXERCISE: Remove Whitespace

    9. SOLUTION: Remove Whitespace

    10. String Indexing

    11. String Slicing

    12. EXERCISE: String Slicing

    13. SOLUTION: String Slicing

    14. String Concatenation

    15. EXERCISE: String Concatenation

    16. SOLUTION: String Concatenation

    17. Exercise: String Concatenation

    18. String Formatting

    19. F-Strings: An Improved String Formatting Syntax

    20. EXERCISE: Streamline Your Prints

    21. SOLUTION: Streamline Your Prints

    22. Exercise : Strings

    23. Interact With User Input()

    24. EXERCISE: Interact With User Input

    25. SOLUTION: Interact With User Input

    26. Working With Strings and Numbers

    27. EXERCISE: Work With Strings and Numbers

    28. SOLUTION: Work With Strings and Numbers

    29. Print() Formatting Methods

    30. Finding a String in a String

    31. EXERCISE: Find a Letter in a String

    32. SOLUTION: Find a Letter in a String

    33. Strings and String Methods (SUMMARY)

    34. PROJECT: Create a Receipt Printing Program

    35. QUIZ ❓: Simple Data Types

    1. Numbers and Math (OVERVIEW)

    2. Numeric Types in Python

    3. Integers

    4. EXERCISE: Define Integer Literals

    5. SOLUTION: Define Integer Literals

    6. Floating Point Numbers

    7. Arithmetic & Comparison Operators

    8. Logical (Boolean) & Chained Comparison Operators

    9. Floating-Point Representation Error

    10. Math Functions and Number Methods

    11. Numbers Formatted as Strings

    12. EXERCISE: Show a Percentage

    13. SOLUTION: Show a Percentage

    14. Complex Numbers

    15. The Remainder (% Modulo) Operator

    16. Exercise: BMI Calculator

    17. Reading Numbers with the Input Function

    18. Exercise: Input Exercise

    19. Numbers and Math (SUMMARY)

    20. CHALLENGE: Calculating a Percentage

    21. CHALLENGE: Calculating an Average

    22. CHALLENGE: Converting a Math Formula to a Programming Statement

    23. QUIZ ❓: Numbers and Math

    1. Introduction

    2. Executing a Function

    3. Creating Your Own Functions

    4. EXERCISE: Greet Someone

    5. SOLUTION: Greet Someone

    6. Documenting Your Functions

    7. EXERCISE: Cube

    8. SOLUTION: Cube

    9. Writing while and for Loops

    10. EXERCISE: Print Integers

    11. SOLUTION: Print Integers

    12. Function Arguments

    13. Types of Functions

    14. Keyword Arguments

    15. Default Arguments

    16. xargs

    17. xxargs

    18. Functions and Loops (SUMMARY)

    19. QUIZ ❓: Statements and Loops

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