Course curriculum

    1. Let’s warm up by creating a budget in Excel

    2. Find the Data for the Model

    3. Identifying the Problem That Your Financial Model Needs to Solve

    4. Steps To Building a Model

    5. Methods for Including Documentation in a Model

    6. Exercise 1: Mellon T-Shirt

    7. Answer to Exercise 1

    8. QUIZ 2: Planning & Designing your Financial Model

    1. Introducing Cell Referencing

    2. Naming Ranges

    3. Dynamic Ranges (& UNIQUE Function)

    4. DEMO: P&L Calculations

    5. Restricting and Validating Data

    6. QUIZ 3: Tools and Techniques for Financial Modeling

    1. Differences among Types of Analysis

    2. Goal Seeking

    3. Activity: Calculate Break Even using Goal Seek

    4. How to Build Drop-Down Scenarios

    5. Sensitivity Analysis with Data Tables

    6. Activity: Projections and Estimates using Data Tables

    7. How to use Scenario Manager (Loan Calculations made easy)

    8. Activity: Scenario Manager

    9. Solver

    1. Introduction

    2. Create a Dates Table

    3. Dates Method

    4. Creating Number Patterns

    5. Summing Data Through Shortcuts

    6. Create A Chart through Shortcuts Keys

    7. Isolate Any Part Of a Chart & Chart Templates

    8. Manipulate Filter Data And Paste

    9. Icon Sets With Words

    10. Camera Tool

    11. Pivot Tables Creation Shortcuts

    12. The Advanced Filter

    13. QUIZ 4: Using Shortcuts for Speed and Accuracy

    1. Introduction

    2. Identifying the Difference between a Formula and a Function

    3. Relative vs Absolute Cell Reference

    4. Commonly Used Functions - SUM, MAX, MIN, and AVERAGE

    5. COUNT and COUNTA


    7. SUMIFs Function


    9. INDEX, MATCH and their Combination

    10. OFFSET Function

    11. Advanced Custom Number Formatting

    12. QUIZ 5: Essential Functions in Financial Modeling

About this course

  • $19.99
  • 140 lessons
  • 12.5 hours of video content

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Who is Teaching the Course?

Andreas Exadaktylos

Hi, I am Andreas and I'm a Best Selling Teacher. I really love learning and teaching whenever I can. I have a Master's Degree in Computer Science and a Degree in Electronic Engineering.  I have over 20 years of experience in teaching as an instructor, especially in Microsoft Excel. I have my own computer learning school, called Futurekids, from 2001 to now. I am the founder of Mellon Training, an Online Learning School.  I have a passion for software products that make people's lives easier. I teach Python Programming,  Microsoft Excel and all Microsoft software products for over 20 years. I live in Rodos, a beautiful Greek island. When I am not working, I love being with my family, my two kids and my lovely dog. Travel, forex trading, and reading books are my favorite hobbies.