Excel Financial Modeling and Business Analysis Masterclass
Excel Financial Modelling from scratch: Financial Statements, Project Costing, Discounted Cash Flow (DCF), Accounting
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FREE PREVIEWCourse Resources & Setting Expectations
FREE PREVIEWWhat is Financial Modelling?
FREE PREVIEWWhy is financial modeling important?
FREE PREVIEWRecognizing the benefits and pitfalls of using Excel
FREE PREVIEWExamples of Financial Models
FREE PREVIEWDownload the PDF File: 200+ Excel Shortcuts for PC & Mac
QUIZ 1: Introducing Financial Modelling
Let’s warm up by creating a budget in Excel
Find the Data for the Model
Identifying the Problem That Your Financial Model Needs to Solve
Steps To Building a Model
Methods for Including Documentation in a Model
Exercise 1: Mellon T-Shirt
Answer to Exercise 1
QUIZ 2: Planning & Designing your Financial Model
Introducing Cell Referencing
Naming Ranges
Dynamic Ranges (& UNIQUE Function)
DEMO: P&L Calculations
Restricting and Validating Data
QUIZ 3: Tools and Techniques for Financial Modeling
Differences among Types of Analysis
Goal Seeking
Activity: Calculate Break Even using Goal Seek
How to Build Drop-Down Scenarios
Sensitivity Analysis with Data Tables
Activity: Projections and Estimates using Data Tables
How to use Scenario Manager (Loan Calculations made easy)
Activity: Scenario Manager
Create a Dates Table
Dates Method
Creating Number Patterns
Summing Data Through Shortcuts
Create A Chart through Shortcuts Keys
Isolate Any Part Of a Chart & Chart Templates
Manipulate Filter Data And Paste
Icon Sets With Words
Camera Tool
Pivot Tables Creation Shortcuts
The Advanced Filter
QUIZ 4: Using Shortcuts for Speed and Accuracy
Identifying the Difference between a Formula and a Function
Relative vs Absolute Cell Reference
Commonly Used Functions - SUM, MAX, MIN, and AVERAGE
SUMIFs Function
INDEX, MATCH and their Combination
OFFSET Function
Advanced Custom Number Formatting
QUIZ 5: Essential Functions in Financial Modeling
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